Monday, October 22, 2007

Web Articles

First of all, let me just say that I honestly have no idea what's going on in Lyotard's article. I read it through twice and still can't really grasp what exactly he's getting at. Luckily, I did fare better with the O'Hara article. Firstly, I liked his way of writing and word choice. It is common language but it still flows well and sounds intelligent. I also liked his message regarding poetry. You write poetry for yourself or maybe for that "special someone" or whoever. You don't write it for the general public or to try to send a message to society or something. That's not the purpose of poetry: it's supposed to be personal. When it comes to "personism" I was a bit confused about what exactly he meant but I think he was trying to get at the idea that poetry should avoid the abstract. Personism allows you to write specifically to someone rather than an abstract concept or idea. At least, that's what I got out of his manifesto.

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